WP 1 Project Management
The activity ensures that the project is organized and monitored effectively, that the project will reach its main aim and objectives and all partners will be fully involved in the project process.
Some of the main instruments to ensure the smooth project implementation will be signed partnership agreements, regular transnational meetings, clear communication guidelines, regular online meetings and internal progress reports, etc.
WP 2 Desk research & primary research with the target groups
The purpose of this work package is to build on the previous PECAE project background by combining it with a need analysis of the envisioned target groups, as well as desk research of further existing entrepreneurship initiatives, in the participating countries. During this stage a competence framework will be developed to identify the competence needs of the VET trainers and the learners regarding entrepreneurship.
WP 3 Development of a draft train-the-trainer course design and toolbox
During the project course an online-toolbox of training materials will be created that to be freely combined in the future by VET and labour market trainers into entrepreneurship training units.
The online toolbox will contain a series of exercises, guidance materials and educational tools. Thus, the trainers will be able to introduce the entrepreneurial thinking and mind-set into a range of VET and labour market courses.
A train-the-trainer course will be also designed by the project experts to explain the rationale behind the online toolbox on entrepreneurship. It will furthermore give the participants – VET and labour market trainers, some instructions and guidance on how to create training units based on the online toolbox for specific subjects as well as recommendations about how these units can be transferred into other subjects.
WP 4 Implementation of train-the-trainer course and tool box piloting
The main goal of this work package is to test, carefully evaluate, improve and pilot the main project products – train-the-trainer course and the tool box.
The train-the-trainer course will be implemented in 2 stages – one on European level – in Germany with a small group of participants (mainly the project consortium), who will then in their turn organize a national TTT in each of the partner transfer countries – Bulgaria, Germany and Slovakia.
At the piloting phase of the tool box the trainers are to make use of the online tools during their courses.
At the end of the phase a feedback session with the participants of the piloting phase will take place, so the project expert to be able finalize the project products in the best possible way.
Also, an innovative Level 5 evaluation grid will be applied among the participants to measure the progress of their competence development.
WP 5 Finalization of project products
This work package aims at the finalization of the main project products – the online toolbox and the accompanying booklet. The optimizations will be based on the lessons learnt during the piloting phase and collected feedback among all participants of the training sessions and stakeholders.
In addition to the online toolbox, a comprehensive project booklet will be produced. This will introduce the online toolbox and explain its methodology and usage to the project stakeholders and the wider public.
WP 6 Quality management and evaluation
The project evaluation is to ensure that all project products meet the desired quality.
The project management process will be evaluated, an early stage warning system will be created to ensure that the partnership stays on track.
An on-going evaluation of the process of transnational cooperation will ensure continuous improvement of project performance and its outputs.
All evaluation activities will be synthesized into two evaluation reports – interim and final.
WP 7 Dissemination
The activity aims at raising awareness of the value of the entrepreneurship education and training among VET institutions and organizations, but also aims at promoting and disseminating the project and its results.
This will be accomplished by various means including:
- a website of the project;
- unique project logo used during the communication with all parties;
- comprehensive booklet accompanying the online tool-box;
- web 2.0 enhance Facebook and Twitter;
- a project flier and a poster;
- newsletters to inform about the project progress and milestones;
WP 8 Exploitation and sustainability
This work package aims at highlighting the potential for further exploitation of the outcomes of the project. In this sense all undertaken activities will use the outcomes of the project for the widest possible promotion to potential stakeholders, such as: VET institutions, Ministries of education and labour, local governments, associations for adult educations and educational networks.
A detailed exploitation plan will be also developed, in close coordination with the dissemination plan.
At the end of the project an international dissemination conference will be organized in Bulgaria, in order to present the outcomes of the project to the largest possible international audience.