On 12th and 13th of November 2013 the kick-off meeting of GEP VET project was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The project coordinator, CATRO Bulgaria, hosted the meeting. It gathered representatives from all partners organizations - CATRO – Bulgaria, dieBerater – Slovakia, BUPNET – Germany, BI – Bulgaria, SPI – Portugal (for more information on the partners and see the section ” partners “) The official language of the meeting was English.
The main topics of discussion during the meeting were:
- Introduction of partner organizations, their motivation and expectations of the project;
- Presentation of the project summary – the project aims and target groups, the work packages, roles of the partners, the main outputs, dissemination and exploitation of the project results;
- Introduction of the project and budget changes;
- Agreement upon internal reporting and communication structure;
- Discussion of a Project Monitoring and Evaluation Plan;
- Set up a Project Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy;
- Development of detailed and update project work plan.
The event gave a decisive impetus for the upcoming implementation of the project by bringing together the experience of the partners, their specific know-how and of course their enthusiasm.