On the 4th of December in “Trimontium Princess Hotel” Plovdiv monitoring on the theme “The entrepreneurship spirit in Europe“ took place. The seminar presented diverse institutions in Bulgaria, such as: vocational schools, business organizations, volunteers and students, working, developing and spreading the idea of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit and culture in Bulgaria.
At the event GEPVET project was presented by the project manager Anelia Dimitrova. The participants in the seminar had the opportunity to get acquainted with the main concept of the project, namely: “How to grow the entrepreneurial potential in the vocational education and training in Bulgaria”. In the project the entrepreneurial idea covers the sense of initiative, entrepreneurial thinking, innovation, creativity, flexibility, risk willingness and tolerance and decision making ability. The sought long term impact of the project is a change in the overall attitude in conducting trainings for adults, i.e. providing appropriate training materials for the teachers to encourage their students to be more entrepreneurial and proactive, no matter if they are willing to become self-employed or would like to contribute to the organizations they work for.
Anelia Dimitrova presented also the approach and results of the efforts of the project consortium at the time – developed modular training program in entrepreneurship and conducted training for trainers (TTT) at European level, incl. testing the training modules.
The news about the forthcoming national Train-the-Trainer in Bulgaria in January/February 2015 provoked strong interest among the guests of the seminar, and number of trainers in VET schools and centers, incl. freelance trainers shared their intention to take part in the GEP VET training. This proved once again, that there is a great demand for such trainings, also shown in the results of the Needs Analysis Research of the project, and the project will contribute in developing those important skills, applicable in all business sectors.
We strongly encourage all teachers and trainers in the VET sector, as well as in-company trainers, interested in developing their teaching skills regarding the entrepreneurial topic, to write us an email referring to the event “Training of trainers” (TTT ) to the project manager a.dimitrova@catro.com and/or the project coordinator [email protected]