Of course, you are right – we have said that our ONLINE TOOLBOX is the new home of entrepreneurship. However, we very much enjoyed having another short-term home under the roof of the Belgian castle Alden Biesen (picture above)! The GEP VET Team found a great opportunity to disseminate the news about our project mission and goals during a major transnational Train The Trainer Seminar, part of the EU-funded PROVIDE Project.
The event included participants from all over Europe, representing training institutions, universities, private companies etc. And we do hope that by telling the GEP VET story in this auditory we have increased the chances, that entrepreneurial mindset and behavior gets encouraged in such a variety of institutions with the help of our great set of training materials!
Have you already tried implementing GEP VET training modules on entrepreneurial competences in your organization or institution? Drop us a line on [email protected] ! We’ll be glad to hear your feedback!
And finally, in the spirit of our castle-event, a closing sentence from the wise Alexandre Dumas:
“Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it.”
Same goes for entrepreneurship, so do not give up too easily! GEP VET is here to help you with those dragons